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Sex sells is a disputed slogan in the advertising industry. If you have ever watched the infamous television show MadMen, which depicted a glimpse into the culture in the 1960’s, then you inevitably have been exposed to sexism and misogyny prevailing in the advertising industry. Not only were these issues prevalent in the advertisements that were distributed during that time, but they were also reigning behind the scenes, in the workplace. From even prior to the 1960s to present day, advertising has globally played an influential, dominant role in people’s perspectives and lives. Even though advertising is known to draw attention to something specific, like a product, brand or service, advertising can more deeply be described as a reflection of culture. If advertising has been a reflection of culture, then reflecting on advertisements is a way to time travel, culturally. 

Collectively, the advertising industry

has substantially structured roots of inequality towards women, taking shape through misogyny, gender stereotyping, sexual harassment, and ultimately, sexism. MadWomen explores how and why these oppressive mechanisms have operated, taking action to transform perspectives to become aware of

these issues presently.It is now the time to hold the advertising industry accountable for its moral transgressions to reverse the damage that has influenced our current society.

This proposal will ultimately evoke a refreshed awareness for consumers of advertisements and media who are bombarded with oppressive messages that subvert gender equality. Conclusively, MadWomen is created with the intention of disrupting advertising and to redefine a woman’s role in the industry, whether she is behind the scenes in the workplace or captured in an advertisement.

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