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Sustainable Fashion Police


On Fashion Avenue in New York City, Sustainable Fashion Police will ticket pedestrians specifically wearing a basic t-shirt, the most commonly worn article of clothing. They will compliment their shirt and give them a speeding ticket based on the 'speed' of their t-shirt.

This initiative is to educate people about the fast fashion industry and how the speed of their clothing is impacting the planet.



This project was created to spread messages that bring awareness to fashion sustainability through a new brand.

I conceptualized a brand, FATES, which stands for Fashion, Technology and Sustainability.

FATES mission is to protect the planet, brighten the fashion industry and inspire stylish sustainability. Slowing down fashion, speeding up sustainability. 

FATES is a brand encouraging individuals to dig beneath the surface value of clothes. Empowering individuals to style sustainably. Intersecting fashion and technology, generating sustainability. ​

Wear with caution.


Art Direction


Guerrilla Marketing

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